Death of the Instagram Model

The Influencer Partnership Activity:

How to write a persuasive pitch letter

Over the years, I’ve read hundreds of pitch letters from hopeful influencers and bloggers hoping to collaborate with big brands.

While the vast majority of them sucked something fierce, there were those select few that not only stood out, they were accepted and became partners.

Of these influencer partnerships, the pitch letters all had the same three elements that made them successful. Let’s look at how you can write a persuasive pitch for blogger and influencer relations.

  1. Introduce yourself, how you came across their product/service and why you like it - Too many people start pitch letters without the very basics of an introduction. We cannot overlook the fact that the vast majority of pitch letters serve as the first formal point of introduction between the influencer and the brand. Start at the beginning and be specific about why you like the brand.

  2. Sell yourself - The whole purpose of you reaching out is not to ask the brand for a favour, you have something to offer them too! Show them what you can do by sharing some statistics about your audience, reach or recent accolades that answer the question “why would YOU want to work with ME”?

  3. Leave the door open for next steps - You’ve made your case, now point them in your direction should a collaboration be of interest. Leave them with your contact information, handles, website - however you wish to continue the conversation.

EXAMPLE - The Influencer Pitch Email

Dear John,

My name is Adam Rodricks and I’m the influencer behind and @adamrodricks.

I’ve been a long-time fan of ABCBrand and I recently saw an ad for TheProduct; after doing some research, I realized this was definitely something I would buy because BiggestBenefitGoesHere.

Recently, I passed [# of followers] and [# of page views or subscribers] so I wanted to reach out and discuss a possible partnership. In exchange for [your ask], I would love to write a 500-word post about TheProduct, complete with custom photography; I’d be happy to promote it extensively across my channels as well. I think TheProduct would be of serious interest to my audience and I’d love the opportunity to share it on [your main platform(s)].

If possible, I’d love to include a quote from a company spokesperson to give my post an extra personal touch.

I’d be more than happy to send you my press kit or rate card and discuss further if this is of interest.

If you’d like more information about me you can check out my [blog URL], [@social handle] or [vlog/podcast].

Thanks so much for your time,


Adam Rodricks